The Conference of Digital Transformation in Social Sciences

Author Guidelines

The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, font size 11, and black with 1.5 line spacing.

Abstracts should be 200 to 500 words.

Any picture, figure, shape, graphic, etc. should not be included.

The text should be fully justified on both sides.

The page size should be A4 with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides. The file format must be DOCX or DOC.


In full-text papers, the body text should be written in Times New Roman, font size 11, and black with 1.5 line spacing. First-line indentations should be 1 cm. Lines should not be skipped in paragraph transitions.

Page margins in articles: top and left should be 2,5 cm, and right and bottom should be 2 cm, and text, drawings or graphics must be within the writing area.

The title of the paper should be centred, in capital letters and bold. It should be in Turkish and English, respectively. 1,5 spaces should be left between headings.

The name of the author should be 10 pt. and centred under the title. If there are more than one author, their names should be written side by side. The academic title, the name of the institution, university, faculty/school, e-mail and ORCID number of the author(s) should be placed in the form of a footnote at the bottom of the first page, and should be addressed with “*”.

At the beginning of each paper, there should be a comprehensive abstract in Turkish and English. "Abstract" titles should be written in 10 pt, left-justified and bold, abstract text should be in 10 pt, justified and not exceed 500 words. Keywords (10 pt.) should be written in lowercase letters and there should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords. Keywords should be separated from each other with a comma (,).

Articles should start with the INTRODUCTION section and be divided into appropriate sections. Section titles should be written in capital letters. METHOD, FINDINGS, DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION, REFERENCES sections should follow the INTRODUCTION section, respectively. Main headings should be written in 11 pt., bold and centred, and each main heading should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, including references. Subtitles should be in 11 pt., bold, left-justified and first letters should be capitalised. All the following parts should be in font size 11 and 1.5 line spacing.

Pictures, figures and graphics in articles should be displayed under the name of "Figure", figures and graphics should be drawn on computer. Tables, figures and equations should be numbered sequentially, titles should be written on the tables. When it comes to figures, there should be titles below them, with the first letter of each word capitalised and centred in bold characters. In addition, references to tables and figures should be given in font size 9 at the bottom. Page numbers must be added at the bottom of pages (right-justified).

The reference system should be prepared in footnote and bibliography format according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. The 6th edition of the APA should be the version that authors will consider. In-text citations and bibliography should be given in accordance with APA standards.