Academic Board
Vocational Schools

Academic Board

Assoc. Prof. Gülşah GENÇER ÇELİK


Asst. Prof. Nazife ORHAN ŞİMŞEK

Vice Director

Lect. Emir Hasan ÖLMEZ

Vice Director

Lect. Uğur Güven ADAR

Head of Computer Technology and Programming

Lect. Selçuk Aydın BÜLBÜL

Head of Child Care and Youth Services

Lect. Emrah KÖROĞLU

Head of Foreign Trade

Lect. rukiye PARLAK

Head of Dental Care Services

Lect. Seda BULUT

Head of Pharmacy Services


Head of Finance – Banking and Insurance


Head of Audio-Visual Techniques and Media Production

Lect. Halil İbrahim ŞAHİN

Head of Law Department

Asst. Prof. Mustafa KOÇ

Head of Mechanics and Metal Technology

Asst. Prof. Ahmet EŞİYOK

Head of Architecture and Urban Planning

Asst. Prof. Buket AKÇAY GÜVEN

Head of Property Protection and Safety

Assoc. Prof. Levent BOSTANCI

Head of Construction Department

Lect. Emre ÖZTÜRK

Head of Department Hotel, Restaurant, and Catering Services

Lect. Sevcan BEŞİKÇİ

Head of Department Marketing and Advertising

Asst. Prof. Altuğ OCAK

Head of Travel – Tourism and Entertainment Services

Lect. Hıdır TOK

Head of Social Work and Counselling

Asst. Prof. Güvenç CEVİZ

Head of Design Department

Asst. Prof. Gülşah SUSURLUK

Head of Textile, Clothing, Footwear, and Leather Technology

Asst. Prof. Sultan İĞREK

Head of Therapy and Rehabilitation

Asst. Prof. Hasan SALKIN

Medical Services and Techniques

Asst. Prof. Gönül AKIN

Head of Transportation Services

Asst. Prof. Nurcan BEKİL ÇAKMAK

Head of Foreign Languages and Cultures

Assoc. Dr. Şimal ÇELİKKOL

Head of Management and Organisation

Lect. Ayşenur SEKİN

Electric and Energy