Academic BoardAsst. Prof. Nazife ORHAN ŞİMŞEKDirectorLect. Emir Hasan ÖLMEZVice DirectorLect. Yağmur GÜMÜŞBOĞAVice DirectorLect. Firdevs DURNAGÖLHead of Computer Technology and ProgrammingLect. Selçuk Aydın BÜLBÜLHead of Child Care and Youth ServicesLect. Emrah KÖROĞLUHead of Foreign TradeLect. Mustafa Deha DOĞANHead of Dental Care ServicesLect. Seda BULUTHead of Pharmacy ServicesAsst. Prof. Tilda TANİLYAN SÜRERHead of Finance – Banking and InsuranceAsst. Prof. Ece ERSOY YILANHead of Audio-Visual Techniques and Media ProductionLect. Halil İbrahim ŞAHİNHead of Law DepartmentAsst. Prof. Mustafa KOÇHead of Mechanics and Metal TechnologyAsst. Prof. Ahmet EŞİYOKHead of Architecture and Urban PlanningAsst. Prof. Buket AKÇAY GÜVENHead of Property Protection and SafetyAssoc. Prof. Levent BOSTANCIHead of Construction DepartmentLect. Emre ÖZTÜRKHead of Department Hotel, Restaurant, and Catering ServicesLect. Tutku DİNAR DİZDARHead of Department Marketing and AdvertisingAsst. Prof. Doğu BARANAYDINHead of Travel – Tourism and Entertainment ServicesAsst. Prof. Hıdır TOKHead of Social Work and CounsellingAsst. Prof. Güvenç CEVİZHead of Design DepartmentAsst. Prof. Gülşah SUSURLUKHead of Textile, Clothing, Footwear, and Leather TechnologyLect. Sultan İĞREKHead of Therapy and RehabilitationAsst. Prof. Leyla POLAT KÖSEMedical Services and TechniquesAsst. Prof. Gönül AKINHead of Transportation ServicesAsst. Prof. Nurcan BEKİL ÇAKMAKHead of Foreign Languages and CulturesAssoc. Dr. Şimal ÇELİKKOLHead of Management and OrganisationLect. Burak YILDIRIMElectric and Energy Facebook'ta Paylaş Twitter'da Paylaş LinkedIn'de Paylaş E-posta Gönder Whatsapp'ta Paylaş