Vocational Schools

Career Opportunities

With the title “Medical Imaging Technologist” they are awarded when they complete their studies and internships, our graduates work in hospitals, dispensaries, or other institutions in their field, and they have the responsibility and authority to use the technical equipment in these institutions, such as X-ray machines, computed tomography scanners, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. Due to some risks the work spaces with these advanced medical equipment entail, individuals working in these places have the right to additional leaves and early retirement. Medical Imaging Technologists can also be employed in public bodies as “Health Technologists” according to their Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS) scores.

Provided they pass the Vertical Transfer Examination (DGS) administered by the Centre for Assessment, Selection and Placement (ÖSYM), graduates of the Medical Imaging Techniques Programme can transfer to the undergraduate degrees “Nursing” and “Nursing and Health Services” depending on the quotas at these departments.