Vocational Schools

Educational Objectives

Social Work is a profession which enables individuals, groups, and communities to preserve their social identity completely, and devoted itself to improve their competencies to remove the individual and social disadvantages. With this purpose, the occupational activities in this field strive to establish and improve social conditions for individuals, groups, and communities at the micro, mezzo, and macro level in order to accomplish these objectives.

To this end, the Associate Degree Programme in Social Work aims to educate prospective qualified individuals, who are able to solve problems effectively and permanently, provide the clients with a rights-based and equal legal service in accordance with moral and ethical principles. Students who complete the Programme successfully are awarded the titles “Social Work Assistant” and “Social Worker Assistant”.

The main aim of the Associate Degree Programme in Social Work is to educate individuals who are unprejudiced, empathetic, and sensitive to individual and social problems, and have vast theoretical knowledge of the field.

We aim to enable our students to improve their knowledge of theories and practices through the field-specific core courses, compulsory proficiency courses, and internship. Thus, the Programme adopts the practices which are carried out actively by students during the courses as a principle.